Pengertian dan Contoh Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Kirana Riyantika, Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022 | 18:09 WIB
Penjelasan procedure text beserta contohnya (Pixabay/freephotocc)

- 1 teaspoon salt

- 3 red chillies

- 2 tablespoons cooking oil


1. Blend garlic, chillies, and salt.

2. Put the cooking oil into the pan. Heat for a moment.

3. Put blended ingredients an then put egg.

4. Add rice to the pan, and stir well.

5. Correct the taste.

6. Turn off the stove and move the rice to the plate.

Itulah dia penjelasan mengenai pengertian dan contoh procedure text.

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