Materi Bahasa Inggris: Simple Past, Simple Present, dan Simple Future

By Amallia Putri, Senin, 19 Desember 2022 | 14:33 WIB
Ini dia materi simple past, simple present, dan simple future dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris (Pixabay/Congerdesign)

Yesterday was cold. (Kemarin dingin).

We were sick yesterday. (Kami sakit kemarin.)

The baby was cute. (Bayinya sangat lucu).

3. Simple Future Tense

- Subject + will/shall + verb 1 + object

- Subject + to be (is, am, are) + going to + verb 1.

Contoh kalimat positif simple future tense:

- I will give a speech in the program.

- Robert will be going to the varsity.

- Tom will have reached the place by now.

Itulah tadi beberapa hal yang perlu kalian ketahui soal materi simple present, simple past, dan simple future tense.

Baca Juga: Pengertian Present Contious Tense, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris