10+ Kumpulan Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN Batch 2 Lengkap dengan Jawaban, H-2 Tes Bahasa Inggris Dimulai!

By Aullia Rachma Puteri, Minggu, 8 Januari 2023 | 08:30 WIB
Contoh soal tes bahasa Inggris BUMN batch 2 (Pexels/Louis Bauer)

d. Although

Jawaban: c. Inspite of

6. He was so surprised by the things happening so fast that he had a look of ... on his face.

a. Astonishment

b. Amazement

c. Puzzlement

d. Excitement

Jawaban: c. Puzzlement

7. Don’t persuade Joan‟s husband to buy her a ring, he is rather ... over money matters.

a. Jealous

b. Mean

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