Kunci Jawaban Activity 5 dan 6 Halaman 79-80 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka

By Syifa Amalia, Selasa, 31 Januari 2023 | 17:45 WIB
Jawaban Activity 5 dan 6 halaman 79-80 bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA. (Freepik.com)

Nakita.id – Simak pembahasan lengkap mengenai kunci jawaban bagian Activity 5 dan 6 pada unit 3 dengan materi Fantasy.

Latihan soal tersebut berada di buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA halaman 79-80.

Kali ini, siswa diminta untuk menyusun kalimat-kalinat menjadi paragraf yang padu.

Paragraf yang disusun merupakan peristiwa yang mengacu pada teks fantasi yang berjudul “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.”

Nantinya terdapat enam kalimat yang disusun secara acak sehingga tugas siswa untuk menuliskan urutan yang sesuai.

Oleh karena itu, supaya dapat memahami soal dengan baik harus membaca bacaan dengan saksama.

Berikutnya pada Activity berikutnya, siswa diminta untuk menemukan pelajaran yang bisa diambil dari setiap karakter dalam teks fantasi tersebut.

Berikut pembahasan lengkap soal dan jawabannya.

Activity 5

Understand the story more by putting these events in order. 

3 -  Lucy met Tumnus and found out that Narnia was under the spell of the White Witch.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Activity 3 Halaman 78 Kurikulum Merdeka

5 - Under the influence of the Witch’s spell, Edmund told his siblings’ plan to save Tumnus.

6 - With the help from Aslan, the children could save all creatures from the witch’s enchantment and inherit Narnia’s thrones.

2 - Lucy and her siblings explored the house and she found out a magical wardrobe that led her to Narnia.

5 - One day, all of the children accidently discovered Narnia and found that Tumnus had been imprisoned.

4 - All of her siblings did not believe in Lucy’s story about Narnia until one day Edmund found out himself about it.

1 - Lucy and her siblings moved to Professor Kirke’s house in the country.

Berikut susunan paragraf yang sesuai.

Lucy and her siblings moved to Professor Kirke’s house in the country.

Lucy and her siblings explored the house and she found out a magical wardrobe that led her to Narnia. Lucy met Tumnus and found out that Narnia was under the spell of the White Witch.

All of her siblings did not believe in Lucy’s story about Narnia until one day Edmund found out himself about it.

Under the influence of the Witch’s spell, Edmund told his siblings’ plan to save Tumnus. With the help from Aslan, the children could save all creatures from the witch’s enchantment and inherit Narnia’s thrones.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Practice Halaman 63-65 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka

Activity 6

Reread “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” story. What lessons did you learn from each characters? Discuss with three different mates and compare to your answer.

There are many moral lessons that you can learn from the story, such as honesty, integrity, forgiveness, courage, and self-sacrifice. The lessons are presented by the characterization of each character in the story. Complete the following chart with the names of the characters that best describe the characterizations provided. You also have to provide evidence from the story that supports each character’s characterization.

Honesty and Integrity Character’s Name(s): Edmund

Explanation and Evidence: Edmund is the only one who betrayed his siblings because he reveals his siblings’ plan to the White Witch. That’s not a good character to follow.

Forgiveness Character’s Name(s): Lucy’s Siblings.

Explanation and Evidence: After what Edmund does to his siblings, they are not mad at him. But, instead of letting him treated like a prisoner by The White Whitch, they helped him.

Courage Character’s Name(s) :Lucy

Explanation and Evidence: We can learn that value from Lucy because of her decision to enter the forest by herself. And also, encourages her siblings to save Tumnus’s life and Narnia

Self-sacrifice Character’s Name(s): Aslan

Explanation and Evidence: The explanation why we can learn self-sacrifice from Aslan is because he was willing to give his life for Edmund. He let himself tied to the Stone Table and was executed by The Witch.

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