Kunci Jawaban Activity 3 Halaman 47 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka

By Syifa Amalia, Minggu, 5 Februari 2023 | 10:56 WIB
Jawaban Activity 3 halaman 47 di Unit 2 dengan materi Fairy Tale, bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka. (Pexels.com/Mikhail Nilov )

Nakita.id – Berikut adalah kunci jawaban Activity 3 halaman 47 di Unit 2 dengan materi Fairy Tale.

Latihan soal tersebut ada di dalam buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka.

Ada berbagai jenis teks naratif, misalnya legenda, dongeng, fantasi, mitos, atau romansa.

Teks naratif pada umumnya imajinatif dan bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.

Dalam bab ini, siswa akan mempelajari mengenai teks naratif yang berbentuk dongeng.

Pada latihan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa, terdapat soal berupa isian singkat yang harus dikerjakan mengacu pada teks dongeng yang berjudul ‘The Goose Girl’.

Dongeng ‘The Goose Girl’ bercerita tentang seorang gadis yang bisa berkomunikasi dengan hewan.

Kunci Jawaban Activity 3 Halaman 47 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Read “The Goose Girl” story again. Answer the questions. Compare and discuss your answer with your classmates.

Access and retrieve

1. What is the story about?

Answer: The story is about a princess who was sent to marry a prince of Bayern and fought for her stolen identity.

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Activity 3 halaman 47 Unit 2 materi fairy tale.

2. What special abilities did the main character have that other characters in the story did not?

Answer: The special ability that the main character had was speaking to animal and nature.

3. Why wasn’t Ani appointed as Kildenree queen even though she was the first child in the family?

Answer: Ani wasn’t appointed as Kildenress queen though she was the first child in the family because her mother, the queen, was afraid that people in Kildenree would never trust Ani due to her ability to talk to animals.

4. Explain how ‘the goose girl’ got her name.

Answer: ‘The goose girl’ got her name as she worked with geese in the kingdom of Bayern.

5. What was Selia’s plan to abolish Kildenree?

Answer: Selia’s plan was to take over Ani’s identity as the princess and seized power for herself.

6. How did Ani finally get her identity back?

Answer: Ani finally got her identity back after she confronting Selia and proving the king of Bayern and Geric.

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Integrate and Interpret

1. How did Ani’s character change in the story?

Answer: At the beginning of the story, Ani was innocent and doubt of her own identity. Yet, at the end of the story, it was told that Ani grew into a brave and courageous lady.

2. Describe Ani’s and the queen’s characteristics? What differences and similarities are there?

Answer: Ani was once an innocent girl who lived under her mother’s shadow. But then, she grew into a brave and courageous lady.

Meanwhile, the queen was a firm and thoughtful person. She gave so much concerned about her people and kingdom.

3. In the story, it was told that the queen did not appoint Ani as the future queen. What do you think of the queen’s deed? Is it a betrayal? Is it a political move? Or is it a selfish act? Why? Explain.

Answer : The fact that the queen did not appoint Ani is a selfish act. There is no solid reason why Ani can't be a future queen. It is God given gift Ani can speak to animal and I think it is not something to be ashamed of.

4. What lessons can you learn from the story?

Answer : Be honest and be yourself, don’t give up and keep moving on, accept yourself and be grateful to everything you have, cherish and honor you, and be brave, take a chance and be your own master.

Itu dia, penjelasan lengkap mengenai cara menjawab latihan soal Activity 3 halaman 47 supaya bisa dijadikan bahan belajar mandiri siswa di rumah.

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