Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Activity 3 Halaman 78, Kurikulum Mereka

By Syifa Amalia, Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023 | 19:15 WIB
Mengetahui kunci jawaban Activity 3 halaman 78 di Unit 3 dengan materi fantasy. (Freepik)

Nakita.id – Berikut ini adalah pembahasan kunci jawaban Activity 3 halaman 78 di buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka.

Latihan soal tersebut terdapat dalam Unit 3 dengan materi fantasy.

Cerita fantasi merupakan salah satu jenis teks naratif yang memasukkan unsur kemustahilan atau magis sebagai komponen cerita.

Sebagai ciri teks naratif, fantasi juga ditujukan untuk menghibur pembaca.

Adapun strukturnya terdiri dari orientasi, komplikasi dan resolusi.

Pada latihan soal ini siswa diberikan beberapa pertanyaan yang mengacu pada teks fantasi yang berjudul “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

Kunci Jawaban Activity 3 Halaman 78

Choose the best answer to the following questions.

Access and retrieve

1. What was unusual about Professor Kirke’s house?

Answer :

There was an enormous wardrobe that could lead to another world (Narnia).

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Practice Halaman 65 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka

2. How did the adventure begin?

Answer :

The adventure began when the kids found out that the wardrobe led them to Narnia.

3. How could finally Lucy’s siblings find Narnia?

Answer :

Lucy’s siblings could finally find Narnia when they unintentionally hid from the housekepper in the wardrobe.

Integrate and interpret

1. Why was Edmund reluctant to trust Mr. Beaver? Why did he reveal his siblings’ plan to the White Witch?


Edmund was bound by the spells of the white witch, as evidenced by his strong craving for Turkish delight.

2. How is Edmund’s personality? Use the information in the text to support your answer.

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Answer :

Edmund was a spiteful and mean person at first, but he transformed in the end.

Reflect and evaluate

1. What are your opinions on Lucy’s decision to enter the forest by herself? Was it prudent, brave, or foolish?

What would you do if you were Lucy? Why?

Answer :

I will take decision with my truth that i have. Because ia want to reach my destination to proove the mysteri.

2. Do you agree with the kids’ decision to rescue Tumnus? Why or why not?

Answer :

I agree. Because we must help other people who is in trouble, although others with bad intentions to obstruct us.

Itu dia, pembahasa lengkap mengenai soal dan jawaban pada Activity 3 halaman 78 yang bisa dijadikan panduan dalam mengerjakan.

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