12 Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris Seleksi BUMN 25 Mei-27 Mei 2024

By Aullia Rachma Puteri, Senin, 6 Mei 2024 | 16:05 WIB
Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN (Freepik)

Nakita.id - Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN segera diselengggarakan, Dads persiapkan diri sebaik mungkin ya.

Dengan begitu bisa langsung lolos rekrutmen bersama BUMN yang sudah diadakan awal 2024.

Sebentar lagi menjadi salah satu karyawan BUMN akan menjadi kenyataan dengan menyelesaikan tes Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Dengan adanya contoh soal tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN ini, Dads bisa belajar sebelum benar-benar menghadapi ujian.

Di bawah ini merupakan kumpulan contoh soal tes yang bisa saja keluar dalam soal asli nantinya.

1. The vice president got his secretary ... the meeting invitation letter last weekend.

a. to type

b. typing

c. typed

d. typed

Jawaban: a. to type

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2. ..., the Alpaca is Smaller than the ilama and ordinorily is not used as a beast of burden.

a. A sure-footed animal

b. That sure-footed animal

c. It is a sure-footed animal

d. A sure-footed animal that

Jawaban: a. A sure-footed animal

3. ... Miss Clara nor Mr Elang will attend the annual workshop next Monday

a. Neither

b. Either

c. Both

d. Not only

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Jawaban: a. Neither

4. Jakarta, ..., is located in Java Island.

a. which is the largest city in Southeast Asia

b. where the largest city in Southeast Asia

c. is the largest city in Southeast Asia

d. the largest city in Southeast Asia

Jawaban: d. the largest city in Southeast Asia

5. ... the bad weather, she went to work.

a. During

b. Because

c. Inspite of

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d. Although

Jawaban: c. Inspite of

6. He was so surprised by the things happening so fast that he had a look of ... on his face.

a. Astonishment

b. Amazement

c. Puzzlement

d. Excitement

Jawaban: c. Puzzlement

7. Don’t persuade Joan‟s husband to buy her a ring, he is rather ... over money matters.

a. Jealous

b. Mean

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c. Selfish

d. Greedy

Jawaban: b. Mean

8. She … on airplane many times.

a. Flight

b. Has flown

c. Is flying

d. Fly

Jawaban: b. Has flown

9. The workers were ... in their demand for better conditions.

a. Joined

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b. Combined

c. United

d. Attached

Jawaban: c. United

10. It was very difficult to park the car in Pondok Indah Mall as there were not any … parking spaces.

a. Vacant

b. Blank

c. Uninhabited

d. Bare

Jawaban: a. Vacant

11. I would have gone to your party last night if … time.

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a. Had

b. Would had

c. Had had

d. Have

Jawaban: a. Had

12. To entice companies, Skype has partenered with Avaya, a major seller of corporate phonesystems, to get his bundle of products to businesses that use Internet-based systems. No error

a. To entice

b. Has partenered

c. His

d. That

Jawaban: c. His

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