20 Tahun Menikah, Aktor Bollywood Arjun Rampal Putuskan Bercerai

By Kirana Riyantika, Selasa, 29 Mei 2018 | 15:52 WIB
Arjun Rampal bercerai setelah 20 tahun pernikahan (Newsfolo)

Terlebih lagi selama 20 tahun pernikahan, tidak ada desas-desus gosip miring dari rumah tangga Arjun dan Mehr.

Dilansir dari Bombay Times, keduanya memutuskan berpisah secara baik-baik.

Perpisahan menjadi keputusan final dikarenakan adanya perbedaan pendapat antara Arjun dan Mehr.

BACA JUGA: Pasangan Artis Bollywood ini Pertama Kali Rasakan Ramadan Bersama, Romantis!

Arjun dan Mehr memiliki dua orang anak yang bernama Mahikaa (16) dan Myra (13).

Keduanya memberikan statement perpisahan yang diunggah ke akun twitter @taran_adarsh.


"After a 20 year long beautiful journey filled with love and beautiful memories, we would like to share, that all journeys have different paths and we feel that is time for us to move on to different destinatons hence forth.

We have always been solid when it has come to us, we will continue to be solid for each other and our loved ones, as we embark upon a new journey.

Both of us being extremely private people feel strange to be making this statement, but such are the circumtances of our lives. where the truth can get distorted and lost.

We are family, our love each other is forever intact and we shall always be there for one another and most importantly for our children Mahiika and Myra. We would therefore appreciate our privacy through this time. Thank all for their support. Relationships can end but love lives on."