– Materi yang ada dalam buku bahasa Inggirs kurikulum merdeka Kelas 10 SMA Chapter 3 adalah mengenai Sports and Health.
Terdapat sejumlah capaian siswa setelah mempelajari Chapter 3 tentang Sports and Health buku bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA kurikulum merdeka.
Adapun materi yang ada pada bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA kurikulum merdeka chapter 3 di antaranya:
Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama dan informasi rinci dari teks prosedur lisan dan lisan yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimodal tentang olahraga dan kesehatan.
Mampu mengkomunikasikan ide dan pendapat sederhana dalam berbagai diskusi, kegiatan kolaboratif dan presentasi lisan tentang olahraga dan kesehatan.
Selain itu, mempelajari menulis teks prosedur tentang olahraga dan kesehatan dengan struktur organisasi dan bahasa yang tepat fitur dan menyajikannya.
Untuk memperdalam materi yang ada pada Chapter 3 siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan tugas yang ada dalam halaman 65.
Latihan yang harus dijawab merupakan pada Disscuss and Decide.
Terdapat sejumlah pertanyaan yang harus dijawab seputar materi yang ada di Chapter 3 tentang Sports and Health.
Berikut ini adalah ulasan mengenai kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka Kelas 10 SMA Chapter 3 halaman 65.
Simak baik-baik ya.
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PAI dan Budi Pekerti Kelas 10 SMA Halaman 56-57 Soal Essai Kurikulum Merdeka
Discuss and Decide
Now discuss in your groups the answers to the following questions.
1. Which of the tips from the mental health infographic that you have done? How was the effect?
Answer :
- I have done talk to someone you trust tip from mental health infographic and the effect was it help me relieving stress.
- I have done take care of your physical health tip from the mental health infographic and the effect was my body and mind feeling fresh everyday.
- I have done do activities that you enjoy tip from mental health infographic and the effect was it help me relieve stress and know how to feel happy.
- I have done take two minutes to focus on the world around you tip from mental health infographic and the effect was helping me clearing my mind and make a positive mind.
- I have done tell yourself that everything will be fine tip from mental health infographic and the effect was help me to keep a positive thinking.
3. Which of the tips from the mental health infographic that you want to try? Why?
I want to try to talking to someone I trust so i can share what i am thinking and knowing another point of view.
3. Have you tried any weight loss habits mentioned in the infographic? Which one/s?
Yes, I have tried any weight loss habits such as drink water when wake up, dont skip breakfast, prioritize good sleep, and dont eat too close to bedtime.
4. Do you have other tips for weight loss?
Answer :
Cut carbo and sugar, and eat more protein
5. Why do you think people feel the need to lose weight?
Answer :
Because they dont feel comfortable with their body.
Demikian penjelasan lengkap mengenai kunci jawaban kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kurikulum merdeka Kelas 10 SMA Chapter 3 halaman 65.
Bobo Fun Fair dan Jelajah Kuliner Bintang Jadi Ajang Nostalgia di Uptown Mall BSBCity Semarang
Penulis | : | Syifa Amalia |
Editor | : | Cynthia Paramitha Trisnanda |