– Dalam buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI kurikulum merdeka terdapat materi mengenai analytical exposition text.
Teks analitik merupakan teks berisi argumen baik itu tentang sebuah benda, fenomena, tempat, maupun suatu peristiwa.
Tujuan dari teks tersebut adalah untuk untuk menganalisis topik dan meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik yang dibahas benar-benar penting.
Pada latihan soal kali ini, siswa diminta untuk mencari bukti pendukung atau supporting evidence setiap argumen derdasarkan teks yang berjudul "Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine."
Soal tersebut terdapat pada Unit 4, materi Analytical Exposition Text, halaman 128, pada bagian Activity 6.
Supaya dapat menjadi bahan belajar, berikut ini adalah kunci jawaban soal yang mudah dipahami.
Activity 6
Take a closer look at the text entitled “Benefits of Getting a Covid-19 Vaccine” again. Every argument has its supporting evidence.
Now, write the supporting evidence for the following arguments.
1. Argument: the pandemic causes some people lose their jobs.
Supporting evidence 1:
The pandemic limits contact between people, so the occupations that connect with many people is greatly disrupted, for example: a driver; restaurant, hotel and shop employees; pilot; or even small market merchant must lose their job.
Supporting evidence 2:
The pandemic severely disrupted the country's economy, close contact should be strictly limited, so many industries and offices laid off many workers.
2. Argument: the pandemic opens new jobs.
Supporting evidence 1:
The pandemic brought changes in employment, medicines delivery services for patients who were being treated at home and could not leave the house emerged during the pandemic.
Supporting evidence 2:
During the pandemic, we need health workers who specifically handle COVID-19 patients in isolation homes.
3. Argument: the pandemic causes secondary needs to increase.
Supporting evidence 1:
The pandemic forms a new normal of life, for example, people work more, go to school, and spend time at home, so the need for entertainment, medicine, supplements, and the internet increases.
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Activity 4 Halaman 125 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka
Supporting evidence 2:
During a pandemic, primary needs alone are not enough. People need secondary needs for survival and entertainment.
Dalam analytical exposition text terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan, di antaranya :
1. Menggunakan simple present tense.
2. Fokus pada satu isu (misalnya mengapa sesuatu itu penting; mengapa seseorang tertarik untuk melakukan sesuatu).
3. Menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan suatu keyakinan atau pendapat (misalnya : I believe …; I think …; In my opinion …)
4. Menggunakan kata penghubung atau conjunction untuk menunjukkan hubungan logis antara argumen yang disajikan.
- Konjungsi temporal (misalnya : First, Second, Third)
- Konjungsi kausal (misalnya : because, lead to, the consequence of ...)
- Konjungsi komparatif (misalnya : however, on the other hand)
- Konjungsi dalam pernyataan penutup (misalnya consequently, therefore)
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Post Reading Activity Halaman 120 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka
Rekomendasi Sunscreen untuk Si Kecil: Gently Sunscreen SPF50+ PA++++ dengan Serum Anti-Polusi!
Penulis | : | Syifa Amalia |
Editor | : | Poetri Hanzani |