– Supaya bisa membantu memahami materi, simak pembahasan jawaban Activity 8 di halaman 52.
Latihan soal tersebut terdapat di buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka.
Kali ini, siswa memiliki beberapa pertanyaan yang harus dikerjakan mengenai materi Unit 2, yaitu fairy tale.
Siswa diminta untuk menjawab soal tentang mengenali karakter tokoh yang ada di teks dongeng berjudul “The Goose Girl”.
Oleh karena itu, sebelum mulai menjawab terlebih dahulu harus membaca dongeng tersebut dengan saksama.
Mari simak kunci jawaban selengkapnya berikut ini.
Activity 8
Let’s have a further discussion about Ani’s characteristics in “The Goose Girl” story.
Answer the following questions.
Then, explain your reasons for choosing the answer.
In the story, it is said that the young Ani struggled with her self-image.
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Activity 4 Halaman 49 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka
Ani had a gift to talk with animals and nature that made her so special; however, the gift made her isolated because the gift is considered shameful and terible.
Furthermore, her self-image was also affected by how her mother’s shadow and the pressures of being a crown princess.
Nevertheless, as Ani moved to Bayern, she gradually changed her way of thinking about herself.
She started to accept the gift and use it for the good deeds. She also began to open up to others about her identity and
made friends.
What do you think about how Ani developed her self image?
Answer :
Ani developed her self image by realising that her gift is not shameful and terrible and she uses her gift to help others.
I think it is a good achievement that Ani can change into someone better.
Your reasons:
Answer :
Ani change into someone better by developing her image makes her have her true identity to be proud of.
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Activity 3 Halaman 47 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka
If you were Ani, what would you do? Would you do the same thing? Why?
Answer :
If I was Ani, I would do the same thing because it's such a burden to live feeling shameful and terrible. It must be peaceful to live as yourself.
Demikian adalah penjelasan soal dan jawaban mengenai latihan soal Activity 8, Unit 2 di buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA Kurikulum Merdeka.
Sementara itu, ketika berbicara dengan dongeng ini merupakan salah satu jenis teks naratif.
Teks naratif umumnya bersifat imajinatif dan bertujuan untuk menghibur atau menghibur pembaca
Ada berbagai jenis teks naratif, misalnya: legenda, dongeng, fantasi, mitos, atau romansa.
Seperti legenda, dongeng juga memiliki unsur-usnur seperti tokoh, penokohan, latar, alur, dan nilai moral.
Plot atau struktur sebuah teks naratif meliputi orientasi, komplikasi, klimaks dan resolusi, dan kadang-kadang secara eksplisit mengandung nilai-nilai moral yang disebut coda.
Dalam bab ini, siswa mempelajari mengenai karakterisasi atau penokohan.
Karakterisasi adalah deskripsi atau sifat atau ciri khas (bisa berupa kualitas fisik, emosional, mental dan sosial) seseorang atau sesuatu untuk membedakan satu individu dari yang lain.
Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Practice 2 Halaman 29-30 Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Kurikulum Merdeka
Penulis | : | Syifa Amalia |
Editor | : | Ratnaningtyas Winahyu |