d. They did not do what Bawang Putih did.
e. They were grumbling while finishing the work.
Answer: C
11. What did you learn from Bawang Putih’s character?
a. Kindness must be paid for the same thing.
b. Sincerity and honesty always bears sweet fruit.
c. Whether it’s right or wrong, elders must be obeyed.
d. Whenever there is a will, there will always be a way.
e. Someone’s characters are passed down from the parents.
Answer: B
Itulah dia kunci jawaban Formative Test Reading and Writing, Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut SMA kelas XI kurikulum merdeka.
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Penulis | : | Kirana Riyantika |
Editor | : | Kirana Riyantika |