Pengertian Future Perfect Continuous Tense, Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

By Aullia Rachma Puteri, Kamis, 15 Desember 2022 | 17:56 WIB
Pengertian serta rumus dan contoh kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Freepik/mindandi)

- My grandmother eats very slowly. I will have been eating 3 portions before she finishes a single portion.

2. Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Negative

- They will not have been taking other courses before they finish the compulsory ones.

- We will not have been working on this project until Sarah joins us.

- Hugo will not have been playing Roblox for 3 hours by the time his father gets home. Instead, he will have been playing for 5 hours!

The students will not have been discussing before the teacher instructs them to do so.

- She will not have been living in Manchester for 5 years by the end of this year. She will have been living there for 7 years by that time!

3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Interrogative

- Will you have been waiting for too long if I get there at 5 o’clock?

- Will Bella have been working there for three months by the end of September?

- Will the professor have been talking about a lot of things by the time Titus arrives?

- Will she have been watching all Coco Melon videos by the time her parents get back from work?

- Will he have been living in Melbourne for 6 months next year?

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