Materi Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 dan Pembahasan Lengkap

By Syifa Amalia, Kamis, 2 Maret 2023 | 19:44 WIB
Pembahasan materi soal SNBT 2023 mengenai literasi bahasa Inggris. (

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Materi Soal SNBT 2023 Penalaran Matematika dan Jawaban Lengkap

E. Customers are happy to sleep well and use a product that benefits the environment.

Jawaban: C. Pembahasan: A, B, D and E are facts.

2. What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

A. Text 1 discusses the biodegradable material used in many useful products explained in Text 2.

B. Text 1 explains how biodegradable material can help improve the plastic recycling process discussed in Text 2.

C. Both texts explain what scientists have done to provide plastics which do not harm the environment.

D. Text 2 explains how new plastic material mentioned in Text 1 is recycled to create more jobs.

E. Text 2 discusses the plastic recycling process that has been improved by the research findings explained in Text 1.

Jawaban: C. Pembahasan: A, B, D and E do not contain correct information.

3. Based on information from the two texts, which of the following will most likely happen in the future?

A. Plastic waste in the ocean is unavoidable.