Saeful Imam
Jawaban cinta untuk cibiran netizen dari Andieni Aisyah
Don't all of us wish the next generation to be a generation worthy of chane and progress? Let's show a good example and be responsible, respectful and empowered mums. Spread the love. ???"
To all mothers.. With this message, I call on all mothers to get together. Know that a mother is never alone. You always have support from other mums. I believe all mums want their children to be healthy, smart, independent and happy. I also believe we all have one common resource, that is, LOVE. - Every family might have its own approach but they all share a common goal. So mum, if one mother has a different approach than another, it doesn’t mean that she’s wrong, you neither. There’s really no right or wrong in motherhood. Each approach has its own reasoning. And it is just as personal as one’s faith. - Today I read Time and found that there is a phenomenon known as a "mum-shaming”. This negative trend will not only cause hatred but it also can be psychically harmful to both the accuser and the accused mum. Motherhood is supposed to be a positive and precious role for women. Unfortunately because of this spite, most are in danger of losing the essence of it. - What every mum needs is support and empowerment. An empowered mother creates wholesome, morally responsible children. Don’t all of us wish the next generation to be a generation worthy of change and progress? Let’s show a good example and be responsible, respectful and empowered mums. Spread the love ??????????
A post shared by Andien Aisyah (@andienaisyah) on Nov 22, 2017 at 5:28am PST
Banyak netizen yang menanggapi positif pesan cinta Andien, bahkan menguatkan netizen.
"Caption nya menyentuh sekali ibuuu ???????????? setiap ibu berhak untuk dihargai apapun keadaannya." @nikencantya
"Love you ibuk ? thank you for your information, so inspiring me" @firdanifajri
"Mba andien terima kasih, ini menguatkan," @ayucikiciw
Meski mendapatkan dukungan netizen, para ibu sebaiknya kritis saat memberi perawatan dan pengasuhan si kecil.
Jangan sampai ikut-ikutan karena sedang trend atau karena ada artis yang melakukannya.
Pastikan Mama memperkaya wawasan, bahkan bila perlu berkonsultasi dengan dokter anak untuk melakukan perawatan terbaik si kecil
(Laporan : Fadhila Afifah dan Fadhila Auliya Widiaputri)
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