Alergi Sperma, Ketika Sperma Tidak Dapat Bertahan Hidup di Vagina

By Santi Hartono, Selasa, 15 November 2016 | 03:15 WIB
Alergi sperma terjadi karena tingginya antibodi tubuh Mama. (Dini Felicitas) - Ketika Mama melakukan check up lengkap untuk mengetahui penyebab sulit hamil, dokter mungkin akan mendapati bahwa Mama mengalami alergi sperma. Kondisi ini terjadi akibat tingginya antibodi seorang perempuan terhadap sperma pasangannya, sehingga sperma tidak dapat bertahan hidup di vagina. Itu sebabnya pembuahan sulit terjadi, dan Mama tidak kunjung hamil.

Alergi sperma sebenarnya jarang terjadi. Hanya sekitar 3% dari perempuan yang memiliki masalah kesuburan mengalami alergi sperma. Namun jika Mama sulit hamil, ada baiknya Mama memeriksakan diri ke dokter untuk mendapatkan penanganan.

Ciri-ciri alergi sperma yang kerap terjadi adalah rasa gatal pada vagina setelah berhubungan seks. Ciri-ciri ini memang hampir sama dengan rasa gatal yang disebabkan oleh infeksi jamur atau penyakit menular seksual seperti herpes. Ciri-ciri alergi sperma yang lain di antaranya bengkak, nyeri, kemerahan, atau seperti ada sensasi panas di vagina.

Gejala ini biasanya dimulai sekitar 10-30 menit setelah terpapar sperma, demikian menurut ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine). Area paparannya juga bukan hanya di sekitar vagina, tetapi juga pada kulit dan sekitar mulut. Gejala alergi tersebut akan hilang dalam beberapa jam, tetapi ada juga yang baru hilang setelah beberapa hari.

Pada beberapa perempuan, tanda-tanda alergi sperma tersebut menetap di satu area saja. Tetapi pada sebagian perempuan yang lain, tanda-tanda itu bisa memengaruhi seluruh tubuh. Entah itu gatal-gatal, bengkak, sulit bernapas, atau anafilaksis, reaksi alergi yang tergolong berat. Salah satu cara mengetahui apakah Mama memiliki alergi sperma adalah dengan penggunaan kondom. Gejala alergi sperma mungkin hanya terjadi ketika Papa berhubungan seks tanpa kondom, tetapi ketika memakai kondom bisa aman-aman saja.

Nah, sebenarnya apa yang terjadi ketika alergi sperma, dan bagaimana cara menangani alergi sperma?

Halaman selanjutnya...

Some common symptoms of sperm allergy are redness, swelling, pain, itching, and a burning sensation in the vaginal area. Symptoms usually start about 10-30 minutes after contact with semen. They may not be confined to the vaginal area; they can occur in any area that has contact with semen, including the skin and the mouth. Symptoms can last for a few hours or a few days.

For some women, the symptoms are localized – they stay in one main area. But for others, the symptoms can affect their whole body. They may have hives, swelling, trouble breathing, or anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Sperm allergy may be discovered the first time a woman has sex, but sometimes it happens after a woman has had other sexual partners with no allergic reaction. Sperm allergy may also occur with one partner but not another. Or, it may happen suddenly with a longtime partner.

The condition is often misdiagnosed as vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), a yeast infection, or a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) like herpes. One clue for diagnosis is condom use. If sperm allergy is present, the woman should not have any symptoms when she and her partner use a condom. The allergic reaction should only happen during unprotected sex.

Sperm allergy is frustrating for many couples and can be a strain on relationships. It can also complicate matters for couples who wish to conceive, since this usually can’t happen through unprotected intercourse. However, there are ways for a woman to become pregnant even with sperm allergy. The allergy does not affect her fertility and pregnancy can be achieved through artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, after sperm is washed.

Women who suspect they are allergic to sperm should see their gynecologist or an allergist. Intradermal testing, in which a small amount of the partner’s semen is injected under the skin, can confirm whether there is an allergy or not.

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Some common symptoms of sperm allergy are redness, swelling, pain, itching, and a burning sensation in the vaginal area. Symptoms usually start about 10-30 minutes after contact with semen. They may not be confined to the vaginal area; they can occur in any area that has contact with semen, including the skin and the mouth. Symptoms can last for a few hours or a few days.

For some women, the symptoms are localized – they stay in one main area. But for others, the symptoms can affect their whole body. They may have hives, swelling, trouble breathing, or anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Sperm allergy may be discovered the first time a woman has sex, but sometimes it happens after a woman has had other sexual partners with no allergic reaction. Sperm allergy may also occur with one partner but not another. Or, it may happen suddenly with a longtime partner.

The condition is often misdiagnosed as vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), a yeast infection, or a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) like herpes. One clue for diagnosis is condom use. If sperm allergy is present, the woman should not have any symptoms when she and her partner use a condom. The allergic reaction should only happen during unprotected sex.

Sperm allergy is frustrating for many couples and can be a strain on relationships. It can also complicate matters for couples who wish to conceive, since this usually can’t happen through unprotected intercourse. However, there are ways for a woman to become pregnant even with sperm allergy. The allergy does not affect her fertility and pregnancy can be achieved through artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, after sperm is washed.

Women who suspect they are allergic to sperm should see their gynecologist or an allergist. Intradermal testing, in which a small amount of the partner’s semen is injected under the skin, can confirm whether there is an allergy or not.

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