Ia rela melakukan apa dan merasakan apapun selama bisa melihat ibunya hidup dalam kondisi sehat.
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Menurut Roger selama ini hanya ibunya yang mencintainya sepenuh hati dan selalu percaya padanya.
"If I had one last wish to make, it would have to be,
that God would heal my mom and give her pain to me.
For I've never seen my mom hurt so bad in all my life,
I'd do anything and everything to take her pain and strife.
She's the only one who never lost complete faith in me,
without her here by my side I'm not sure where I'd be.
We didn't always get along but then again who does,
she taught me about the real world and what life really was.
I think I owe her one for all the hell I put her through,
so God if you can grant this wish for me I'll eternally be grateful to You," tulis Roger Danuarta.
Pada unggahannya tersebut tertulis saat itu ibunda sedang rawat inap di Sakkibara Heart Institute.
Melansir dari hospital.heart.org.jp, The Sakakibara Heart Institute adalah sebuah rumah sakit terkemuka di Jepang yang terpercaya menangani penyakit kardiovaskular. (*)
Source | : | Instagram,grid.id |
Penulis | : | Shevinna Putti Anggraeni |
Editor | : | Soesanti Harini Hartono |