- Seringkali kita melihat banyak unggahan yang beredar mengenai makanan sehat dan makanan tidak sehat dalam media sosial instagram.
BACA JUGA:[Reportase] Salah Dosis dan Obat Demam, Panas Tidak Turun Gangguan Lambung atau Hati Bisa Terjadi
Permainan kata ini lantas membuat sebuah makanan seolah-olah terkelompok menjadi lebih buruk ataupun lebih baik.
Padahal pada kenyataannya tidak ada makanan yang benar-benar sehat atau tidak sehat, yang ada ialah bernutrisi atau tidak bernutrisi.
BACA JUGA: Ini Tandanya Jika Keringat Pada Bayi Adalah Gejala Penyakit Berbahaya
Nah, seakan gerah dengan semua pemikiran itu, seorang fitness blogger yang berdomisili di London, Lucy Mountain, mencoba mengungkap kebenaran yang ia ketahui.
Melalui kedua akun instagramnya @thefashionfitnessfoodie dan @thefffeed, Mountain mendorong orang untuk berhenti melihat makanan sehat atau tidak sehat dengan menampilkan sejumlah perbandingan kalori, nutrisi, dan kandungan lain dalam tiap-tiap makanan.
Hasilnya pun cukup mengejutkan.
Makanan yang selama ini dianggap 'sehat' oleh banyak orang, ternyata tidak jauh berbeda dengan makanan yang dianggap 'tidak sehat' oleh banyak orang.
Tidak percaya Moms? Berikut informasinya.
BACA JUGA: Dinyatakan 'Paling Bersih', 11 Buah dan Sayur ini Tak Perlu Dibeli Secara Organik
Selama ini kacang almond selalu dianggap sebagai salah satu makanan camilan yang sehat. Padahal kenyataannya, satu genggam kacang almond memiliki jumlah kalori yang sama dengan satu genggam permen yupi.
A handful of Almonds vs. A packet of Fruit Pastels ????⠀ ⠀ Both snacks have the same calories. Which one would you pick?⠀ ⠀ Occasionally I’m the left hand, but mostly I’m the right hand. (I know, shocking. A person who considers themselves into health and fitness eats sweets - and is openly talking about it on social media.) ????????????⠀ ⠀ You see, although I’m fully aware that a handful of almonds contains lots of wonderful nutrients that would keep me fuller for longer, some days (no matter whether I’m looking to gain, maintain or lose weight) I’ll choose to eat sweets or a chocolate bar as a snack ????⠀ ⠀ Why? Because when the majority of my diet has consisted of well-balanced food that’s full of micronutrients, I have no issue eating something thats less so just because I love the taste of it. This is just a personal choice. Cutting out things I love isn’t realistic for me so I always squeeze something sweet into my days (all whilst still sticking to my calorie/macro/micro targets.)⠀ ⠀ Many would choose the almonds for the nutritional value or the flavour - which is totally fine. Many would choose the almonds because even though they'd prefer Fruit Pastels, almonds would make them feel more ‘on track’ mentally - which again, is totally fine ????⠀ ⠀ I’m not glorifying sweets, or almonds for that matter. I’m glorifying knowing what’s in the food you’re eating, and make educated decisions based on your own values. And I value food that’s good for my body and good for my soul.⠀ ⠀ ‘Healthy' to me is exactly what I make it. And Fruit Pastels (in moderation) make me happy which I believe contributes largely to my overall health ????⠀ ⠀ #FFFoodForThought #theFFF
A post shared by theFFFeed (@thefffeed) on Jun 30, 2017 at 2:56am PDT
Selama ini banyak anggapan bahwa karbohidrat buruk untuk bentuk tubuh dan berat badan.
BACA JUGA: [Reportase] Jangan Sampai Salah, Begini Dosis Obat Demam Untuk Ibu Hamil
Namun faktanya, karbohidrat pun ada di dalam sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Dark cokelat selama ini dianggap lebih baik dari pada cokelat susu atau cokelat lainnya.
BACA JUGA:[Reportase] Sering Keliru, Inilah Dosis Obat Demam Tepat Untuk Anak
100g Milk Chocolate vs 100g 85% Dark Chocolate ???? ⠀ ⠀ So it’s pretty unknown that dark chocolate actually has more calories than milk chocolate (and white chocolate for that matter.)⠀ ⠀ Dark is often given the label as the ‘healthy’ version of chocolate. And although calories aren’t the sole indicator of ‘healthy’, we just presume it has lower calories. So which one is best for weight-loss?⠀ ⠀ In most cases, Dark chocolate has less sugar, more fiber and more iron than milk. It’s basically more nutritious than milk chocolate.⠀ ⠀ Regardless, I will always go for milk for two reasons:⠀ ⠀ 1. I think Dark chocolate tastes like garden leaves.⠀ ⠀ 2. Chocolate isn’t something I’ll seek out when I’m looking to pack in those vitamins and minerals - especially in a diet that already consists of adequate fruit, vegetables and micronutrient-dense food ???? I enjoy chocolate for it’s taste, not it’s nutritional value. My diet is inclusive of it always - no matter what my goal is at the time ????⠀ ⠀ For those of who genuinely love dark chocolate, keep doing you ????. However if you PREFER the taste of milk, but force yourself to eat dark because you've read it’s 'healthier', just have the milk chocolate and enjoy it ???? In terms of weight-loss from a calorie perspective, it’s actually more beneficial and will raise happiness levels by 938% (unproven stat.)⠀ ⠀ Don’t eat things you don’t enjoy for the sake of it. Personal enjoyment is ‘healthy’ in my eyes ???????? Which side are you guys?!⠀ ⠀ #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed
A post shared by LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie) on Jun 3, 2017 at 8:02am PDT
BACA JUGA: Kenali Tanda Berbahaya di Kulit Selama Hamil, Bisa Picu Kanker Kulit
Menurut Mountain tidak ada makanan yang dapat membuat tubuh gemuk atau tidak
BACA JUGA: [Reportase] Jangan Salah Pilih Obat Herbal Untuk Demam, Hanya Ini yang Sudah Teruji
Fatloss Food vs. Fattening Food ????????⠀ ⠀ Firstly soz for the crude labels. (It's just to make a point.)⠀ ⠀ I'm a firm advocate of everything in moderation, no matter what my fitness goal might be. Fat-loss, muscle-gain, maintenance or no-goal-whatsoever ????⠀ ⠀ Because it's in our nature to want to give things labels, it can be really hard to see food without associating it as 'good', 'bad', 'healthy', 'unhealthy'. It also doesn't help when the media is constantly reinforcing this in order to get more clicks (hi coconut-oil gate ????)⠀ ⠀ No single food will cause weight-gain. Eating more calories than you're expending constantly over a period of time will do this.⠀ ⠀ Equally, no single food will cause weight-loss. Eating less calories than you're expending constantly over a period of time will do this.⠀ ⠀ Of course, we still need to understand different foods have different nutritional values beyond calories which can impact your weight. For example, you're more likely to 'over-eat' on cake than chickpeas (if you're a sane human being) lol.⠀ ⠀ But I believe the restricting yourself of foods you enjoy will ultimately always lead to binging. So just eat all the things you love in moderation. (Sorry I know it's the most unsexy word but let's learn to love it.)⠀ ⠀ This post was inspired by @mybetter_self's post on 'fat-burning foods' last month ???? Check out her profile - she's a total babe. And she's French.⠀ ⠀ Anyway. I hope dis makes sense ????⠀ ⠀ #theFFF @thefffeed #theFFFeed
A post shared by LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie) on Jul 22, 2017 at 6:19am PDT
"Banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan kata 'low sugar', 'high protein', 'fat free', tetapi kata-kata ini lantas bukan berarti mereka memiliki sedikit kalori dari kondisi normal," ujar Mountain.
BACA JUGA: [Reportase] Jangan Salah Pilih Obat Demam Anak, Lambung dan Hati Taruhannya
Dari pada harus melihat mana makanan yang sehat mana yang tidak sehat, Mountain menganjurkan untuk makan apa yang kita inginkan dan apa yang membuat merasa lebih baik.
BACA JUGA: [Reportase] Beda Penyebab Demam, Gejala dan Rasa Sakitnya pun Berbeda
BACA JUGA: Beberapa Fakta Menarik Tentang Bayi Yang Lahir di Bulan April Menurut Riset
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